
Fluid Dispensing Valves

Since 1976, Unicontrols has been designing fluid dispense valves that are reliable and provide excellent accuracy, repeatable dispensing and precision dispensing performance over a range of material viscosities, material pressures and shot sizes. Valves are selected based on factors such as fluid viscosity, fluid content and purpose that the valves will be used for. Our dispense valves include many enhancing features such as adjustable suck-back control and pinch type stroke adjustment that can be used with difficult materials. Our product line of dispensing valves consists of 6 types namely poppet valves, pinch valves, solenoid valves, needle valves, diaphragm valves and spool valves for different fluid types and dispensing applications as well as dispensing controllers / valve controllers and accessories to create a complete set of dispensing system. Unicontrols offers a wide array of valve choices to meet every fluid dispensing need. Users are encouraged to contact the sales department for help in defining the appropriate dispense valves for their standard and unique applications.

V140 / V141 Valve Series –
Spool Valve

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